0 comments Sunday, May 31, 2009

I've been struggling with sleeping lately so this seems a good time to update.

This is me fly-fishing. Yes... there is a tiny trout in my left hand, I promise.

This is Peri and me in Disneyland. You should totally be able to tell by the crystal clear picture of the happiest place on earth behind us.

Here are some before and after pictures of buying Peri a new car. She actually let me sit in it the other day.

Before, with our (hers) old car:

After, with our (hers) new one:

Me and Peri and the Rockies game.

So there you go. That's what we've been doing. I'm sure there has been a few funny stories here and there but I can't share a few of them with you. Like the time I didn't post a picture of both my parents holding and drinking beers at the Coors factory. They say they were non-alcoholic but I was too busy drowning my sorrows in my own glass to believe them.

0 comments Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another music update... you should all feel privileged

Cold War Kids - Loyalty to Loyalty

This has the sweetest vintage guitar tones I've
found in ages. It just plain rocks.

Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight

I don't think I've listened to an album more in
the past 3 months that this. It's amazing, just a
bunch of Scottish indie rock kids.

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

This album hasn't even been out a week so
I'm still getting a feel for it. So far it's stunning.

Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

More 80's samples and synths. The Dynamic
range of the record is insane.