Colin made a post the other day that caught my attention, it was of a political poster for Obama. Now I keep up on politics. I care about our country deeply and the state it's in. This year I have taken the time to educate myself on all candidates, both republican and democratic.
I think that the current government, being the Bush and Cheney regime, are war mongering, murdering terrorist who only have one thing in mind... the money machine. I find it ironic that the two people running the country both came from the oil industry. If anyone of you haven't noticed yet, but gas prices are historically high and the oil companies are reporting record profits. Yet, with all the huge profit being made off you and I with false supply rumors, the government is still subsidizing the oil companies! Why are our tax dollars going toward oil executives pay checks? Hmm... I wonder if that has anything to do with Mr. Bush and Mrs. Cheney.
I am officially off my soapbox.
So I've made my finally decision for my vote. Should Obama get the democratic nomination, he will get my vote. And it's not because of his politics. Depressingly, I believe that no matter who is in office no changes will be made. I don't think Obama will be better that Mcain nor Hiliary. Here is why I'm voting for Obama...... The mofo looks like Will Smith.
To me that means Obama has all the following qualities by default:
- he has a ton of military experience (Independence Day)
- should aliens invade our military will have some sweet new weapons (Men In Black)
- gay marriage will finally be legalized (Six Degrees of Separation)
- who about DJ Jazzy Jeff for Secretary of Defense
- can anyone say Vice President Martin Lawrence (Bad Boys I & II)
- every Tuesday is now Carlton Dance Tuesday (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
- he can keep Texas under control (Wild Wild West)
- he's got the golf thing down (Legend of Bagger Vance)
- he's a pimp (Hitch)
- his mad skills with numbers means no more recession (The Pursuit of Happiness)
- he float like a butterfly and stings like a bee (Ali)
- his wife (Jada Pinkett Smith) was in The Matrix so he is 50% hacker/ninja
- I'm thinking Uncle Phil as Attorney General (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
- the National Anthem would start out with... In West Philadelphia....
- he already knows parent just don't understand
- and finally... he's Fresh and a Prince (royalty)
Good a reason as any.
Ha! I love it!
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