2 comments Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First night on the cruise.

Peri and I went on this sweet catamaran in
Jamaica that took us out to snorkel.

This is Jamaica right before the most
spectacular thunder storm I've ever seen.

Peri being her cool self.

Peri holding a "see" turtle in Grand Cayman.

This is a little place called Hell, Grand Cayman.

Peri and one of the ship in the port of Cozumel.

Mexico... so this picture did cost us money to take.

The amazing blue water of Cozumel.

And this is a picture I took on a boat Peri and
I took to go swim with some real live Sting Rays.
It was crazy! These things would come right
up to you and want you to play around with them.
It was by far the high point of the cruise.
I wish I had some picture but my camera
wasn't water proof. Also I formatted this for
people who may want it as the wallpaper
on their computer so just click on it and you
should see the full picture.

2 comments Wednesday, July 9, 2008

this is a departure... maybe it's my long hours of playing the guitar tonight... i'm guessing it's my realization that things are changing, and for the better...

my job is getting to be a burden... i'm sick of all the numbers... they are beginning to confuse me... i just don't seem to care much anymore... i get the work done but complacently... i'm starting to see them differently... they stop being numbers and are more like patterns... creativity with numbers wasn't what i was hired to do... i was hired to help turn millions into billions... isn't everyone a billionaire these days?...

i wish i could tap on my piano tonight but for some reason it's not working... i just don't have the energy to fix it... i got home from work, plugged my guitar in, took a nap then played more guitar... i feel more inspired by music as of late... i've just been so blessed by amazing music lately... i hope i don't wear myself out on it...

i miss home... my new nephew doesn't know me... i miss my family... i miss the nights laying on the trampoline talking crazy with brev and colin... i still think of 1998 and wish i would have taken advantage of those times... but no regrets... i've talked with colin more in the past couple weeks then i have in the past 5 years... i miss it... it's nice just feeling his art vibe... same with mike... he knows my secret of the tree on our wedding invites...

this past visit home was great... oakley was so beautiful... i think i could be a farmer... peri's family is so comfortable and familiar... i can't wait to see them more... there is just something indescribable about it...

i'm in love with peri... i get to spend the rest of my life with her... and the afterlife... i hate the days i don't see her, like today... i constantly think about her... 39 days seems hazy and distant... she will be beautiful that day, i know it... my head will be a camera and i won't forget a thing about the day i marry her... soon... she's the most beautiful thing in any room she walks into... soon...

not sure how long i'll keep this up... i don't do this... this wasn't meant to be a forum for my emotions... so this is just my deus ex machina...

0 comments Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One of my all time favorites.
This album mixes 80's synth with shoegazer rock.

Very ambient and epically subtle.
Pay attention and just listen to the sounds.

Iron & Wine
Raw acoustic folk-like recording.
You could get lost in this album.

2 comments Tuesday, July 1, 2008

1) Listen to this album:
Sigur Rós : Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
(Sorry for the naked hippie dude behinds, just go buy the album)

2) Watch this movie:
Pure awesomeness


So I've been doing a ton of fly-fishing lately. I live super close to a ton of good Colorado fishing rivers. It's been a while since I've updated my fishing gear, mainly waders and boots. So I thought this would be a great time to hand my old stuff down to Peri.

Now, Peri isn't one to be a fisherman. She has a hard time with even the smell of them, let alone touching one. But she seemed out to give it a try..... until.... she saw this picture...

Needless to say I still may get her to join me one day. There is nothing like standing in a cold river, it's just so refreshing. Fishing has also been great lately. Some day's nothings biting, other days I can't reel them in fast enough. They aren't the biggest fish you've every seen, somewhere in the 10'-14' range.

Happy Fishing!

1 comments Thursday, May 15, 2008

So it's official..... I'm boycotting the Primary song "Primary Colors". The song teaches you so little and there is just so much to learn about colors. I agree that the primary colors are red, yellow and blue. But why would they not mention gray?! This song was apparently written by someone colorblind.

I have a very specific example of this. Hypothetically speaking, say you wanted to wash your red kitchen rugs and you also noticed that your gray bathroom mats needed a washin' as well. Naturally you would combine that 2 loads of laundry to conserve our great nations water supply. So being the good American that you are, you combine them.

Now I'm just guessing but when that load is finished, your gray bathroom mats should be a nice sparkling gray color. But something that stupid Primary song didn't teach you is...

your red kitchen rugs + your gray bathroom mats = your hideous pink/purple bathroom mats.

p.s. - I'm selling some very rare, very valuable pieces of artwork/bathmats I created myself. These will be very hard to come by as these are one-of-a-kind pieces. They are a rare color of Magenta (purple) that I mixed myself. Please make an offer as these won't last long.

0 comments Thursday, May 8, 2008

This is actually a repeat video post. The last one was really poor quality, so I figured I might as well put it up again. You'll see some reused footage from No One's Gonna Love You. At the time I started these I hadn't had the camera very long.

Open Water from Jakob Agaetis on Vimeo.

This song is called Open Water by Thrice. I went a little more artsy on this one and messed around with camera speed and position. This was done in Sony Vegas Pro.

0 comments Saturday, April 26, 2008

America is in line at the airport. America has its shoes off, is carrying a rubberized bin, is going through a magnetometer. America is worried there is fungus on the floor after a million stockinged feet have walked on it. But America knows not to ask. America is guilty until proved innocent, and no one wants to draw undue attention. America left its ticket and passport in the jacket in the bin in the X-ray machine, and is admonished. America is embarrassed to have put one one-ounce bottle too many in the see-through bag. America is irritated that the TSA agent removed its cologne, opened it, put it to her nose, and smelled it. Why don't you put it up your nose and see if it explodes? America thinks.

We are America... I am America...

2 comments Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Colin made a post the other day that caught my attention, it was of a political poster for Obama. Now I keep up on politics. I care about our country deeply and the state it's in. This year I have taken the time to educate myself on all candidates, both republican and democratic.

I think that the current government, being the Bush and Cheney regime, are war mongering, murdering terrorist who only have one thing in mind... the money machine. I find it ironic that the two people running the country both came from the oil industry. If anyone of you haven't noticed yet, but gas prices are historically high and the oil companies are reporting record profits. Yet, with all the huge profit being made off you and I with false supply rumors, the government is still subsidizing the oil companies! Why are our tax dollars going toward oil executives pay checks? Hmm... I wonder if that has anything to do with Mr. Bush and Mrs. Cheney.

I am officially off my soapbox.

So I've made my finally decision for my vote. Should Obama get the democratic nomination, he will get my vote. And it's not because of his politics. Depressingly, I believe that no matter who is in office no changes will be made. I don't think Obama will be better that Mcain nor Hiliary. Here is why I'm voting for Obama...... The mofo looks like Will Smith.

To me that means Obama has all the following qualities by default:

  1. he has a ton of military experience (Independence Day)
  2. should aliens invade our military will have some sweet new weapons (Men In Black)
  3. gay marriage will finally be legalized (Six Degrees of Separation)
  4. who about DJ Jazzy Jeff for Secretary of Defense
  5. can anyone say Vice President Martin Lawrence (Bad Boys I & II)
  6. every Tuesday is now Carlton Dance Tuesday (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
  7. he can keep Texas under control (Wild Wild West)
  8. he's got the golf thing down (Legend of Bagger Vance)
  9. he's a pimp (Hitch)
  10. his mad skills with numbers means no more recession (The Pursuit of Happiness)
  11. he float like a butterfly and stings like a bee (Ali)
  12. his wife (Jada Pinkett Smith) was in The Matrix so he is 50% hacker/ninja
  13. I'm thinking Uncle Phil as Attorney General (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
  14. the National Anthem would start out with... In West Philadelphia....
  15. he already knows parent just don't understand
  16. and finally... he's Fresh and a Prince (royalty)

Vote Obama '08

2 comments Monday, April 14, 2008

For a while now I've been into taking songs I love and editing footage into them. Most of the film has been take from trips to Utah, vacations, business trips and places around Denver. I've done 3 videos so far, this was my first attempt.

This one of my favorite song by one of my favorite artists... Band Of Horses. This video is all just family and friends. I used Sony Vegas Pro and Final Cut Pro.

2 comments Saturday, April 12, 2008

but here are the top 10 reasons of why Peri shouldn’t let me make any wedding decisions.

1. What about a wedding cake from Costco?
2. Does that tux come in a Utah Jazz/Green Bay Packers motif?
3. How do you feel about hitting up a Red Sox game for the honeymoon?
4. What’s a Cow Lily?
5. What’s a Lily?
6. Can we serve corndogs at the reception?
7. Let’s register at Home Depot.
8. Do you think the cruise line TV’s get ESPN?
9. Will the wedding reception have an xBox? (the answer is yes)
10. Wedding invitations? Can’t we just send out email

I’m proving to be a typical male when it comes to this stuff and she is proving to be a typical female. I don’t mind making decisions. But the truth is about most wedding stuff is, I just don’t really care. Now I care deeply about getting married. But I really don’t have an opinion on what flowers arrangements we should have. That’s like asking most girls, “Who do you want to watch, Packers or Chargers” (correct answer is always Packers). The fact is women don’t care about that.

Besides, my opinions are always wrong. Example question:

You have 4 choices of cake, please pick which one you like best.

A. the round green one
B. the square white one
C. the square yellow one
D. the round red one

Now I’ve overheard Peri talking about the white on for weeks. So I look over all 4 of the pictures and carefully and confidently pick the white on. Her response is as follows, “yeah I like that one but I was hoping you would pick E” as she whips out the secret 5th photo. That being:

E. the round ivory one with an inset design of red Daisies on the first layer, inset red Lilies on the second layer and inset red Roses on the top layer

Poor Peri.

1 comments Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I noticed today that I don't post often. But I really noticed that I don't post pictures. Here are a few from my recent trip to Utah.

This is Peri and Mehmet Okur. First, she's not even a sports fan. Second, he's huge. Third, I'm so jealous.

This is Milo and Sal. Talk about two cute kids. I left straight for the airport after this picture. Sal asked where I was going and I said to Denver. He then told me "then Peri and I will hangout". I broke the news to him that she was going back to Denver also. The kid cried... it was heartbreaking.

This was taken at Benihana in SLC. Notice the creepy statue dude (not Silas). It was great seeing everyone. Thanks Ben!

3 comments Sunday, March 9, 2008

I know it's been sometime but, things have been a little busy lately. I have some news for all of you who care to hear it. I am now engaged. I know that is somewhat of a surprise she said yes. But after slipping large amounts of drugs into Peri's Diet Coke, she said yes.

The date has been set for Saturday, August 16th, 2008. We will be getting married in the Salt Lake Temple earlier that day then the receptions will be held in Oakley, Utah at the school (www.oakley-school.com) Peri's mom works for.

I am the most lucky man alive. I never thought that I would meet the girl of my dreams, but I did. I am so thankful for her and her family (minus liking the Spurs).

Thank you all.

0 comments Monday, January 21, 2008

As this football season comes to close, I find myself reflecting on things past. A big thanks goes out to Brett Favre and the Packers. While I'm disappointed that I will not be seeing you on February 3rd, your season has been one to remember. It seems that finally you have gotten the respect you deserve. Bart Star was a tough man to replace but you've done him justice. You have been privileged enough to play in Lambeau field, the most historic and epic stadiums of all time. You have not only made a mark in football but in the little town of Green Bay Wisconsin with a population (100,353)half the size of Salt Lake county alone. We have watched your family struggle through countless odds and the recovery of your wife's battle with breast cancer. If I could give you one piece of advice it would be... Please, come back next year.

1 comments Friday, January 11, 2008

Here are three movies I’ve seen lately that are worth the time. Some of them are a little graphic so beware.

Ikiru: I loved this movie! It was made in 1952 so the quality isn’t so hot and it’s subtitled. But it was so inspiring to me. It may be hard to sit through but if you can make it through you won’t be disappointed.

Netflix Summary: When a stoic government official in post-war Japan learns he has terminal cancer, he realizes he has squandered his life on meaningless red tape and has no close family or friendships to lean on. He resolves to use his remaining time to usher an insignificant but popular civic project, a children's playground, through the bureaucracy he knows so well.

Cidade de Deus (City of God): This is a contender for “The Best Movie I’ve Ever Seen” contest. It was filmed in Brazil, which I find myself strangely drawn to lately and is again subtitled. I learn of this movie from a Netflix favorites list of Golden State Warriors guard Baron Davis. It is graphic and violent. Frankly it can be very hard to watch at time.

Netflix Summary: Busca-Pe lives in Cidade de Deus (City of God), a housing project reputed to be one of the most dangerous parts of otherwise magical Rio de Janeiro. He's frightened he'll end up like the countless others around him -- troubled, violent or dead. But his saving grace is his photographer's eye, through which the stories of several people who live in this forsaken "city" unfold. …

Bus 174: Again, a film about Brazil. Again, this movie is graphic and violent. Please use caution. This movie stuck with me for days, and really started my interest in Brazil. It’s a documentary with partial subtitles.

Netlix Summary: This moving documentary depicts a fateful day in June 2000 when a Rio de Janeiro bus carrying 12 passengers was hijacked by a man named Samdro Do Nascimento. Cameras rolled as he touted his plans to kill all aboard as the police try to persuade him to give himself up. Details of Nascimento's very troubled childhood are also featured.

Hope you like them!

3 comments Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Punch/kick him in the junk for me. What a jerk this guy is. Brev is the king of meanness/hate crimes. He, and his fancy new yahoo.com job, thinks he can walk all over us non-west coasterners. I’m not sure if I was the only one tortured by his Christmas gift but if you were subject to his pure unkindness then please let me know. Brev had the audacity to send me an In-N-Out gift card for this supposed merry time of year. He knows of my love for their delicious hamburgers they serve, yet he also knows that in the great state of Colo”rad”o we lack that tasty establishment. So what now? If I take a trip to California I’m sure it would be to visit him, maybe I could use it then. NO WAY. I will not enter that state with such a blasphemous human. I wish to send Brev a message in hopes that he will read this blog. If you are the vial Brev then please read below.

Dear Brev,

I am not at all amused by your apparent lack of respect. I am heavily suprised at this hate crime you have committed. In return I will be sending you a Thurl Bailey music CD. I’m hoping that his beautiful voice will change your black heart/soul into at least a shade of dark gray, as I fear that is the only hope left for you. Please do not attempt to contact me in the future, as our friendship/brotherhood is over. Also, I’m sure that your new Silicon Valley constitutes will be of little comfort to you in these trying times. I hope you have been granted little satisfaction in this action, and may god have mercy on your soul.
